A letter to Muslim women, friends of Selma Bekteshi...
Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu Muslim sisters!
A Muslim brother, Imam Khatib from Russia, is writing to you. The other day I saw your photo and wishes on Selma Bekteshi Instagram page: "And I am as proud of her as I can be / Following her footsteps." - Alhamdulillah, that you Muslim women respect each other and say good words of support, Jazakallahu khairan. She has a lot of friends-sisters in hijabs. We must remind her that the hijab is a duty to Allah.
But I wanted to write about something else. We Muslims in Russia also like Sister Selma. We are proud of her for supporting the Muslims of Palestine and for all Muslims in general. In his nasheeds, he criticizes oppressors and dictators, sings about freedom… She has a delicate soul, alhamdulillah. She loves animals and plants, and you can often see beautiful nature, flora and fauna on her social media pages...
In one of the nasheeds, she sings so movingly about the smile of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). How millions of Muslims all over the planet liked her with her appearance and appeal, loving Allah and the Prophet Muhammad.
Her example of wearing the hijab was followed by many novice Muslim women. Allah exalted her precisely when she was wearing a headscarf. And now, how painful it is for me to see her without a hijab and worship Allah… She has a lot of problems right now and we have to bring her back to the Almighty. I wrote a lot of articles and sent them to Selma, I don't know how she reacted to it...
The arguments from the Koran and the Sunnah urge us to take care and be interested in the problems of our Muslim sisters and brothers, whether they are individuals or entire societies, in any corner of the earth. You should be interested in their condition, know about their situation, experience their pain, provide assistance in their needs, and know what they need. And then everyone should help them to the best of their ability, giving preference to the most important things.
Every Muslim is obliged to take care of the situation of Muslims to the best of his ability. Look, for example, at the authentic hadith: "None of you will believe (fully) until you wish your brother (in Islam) the same thing that you wish for yourself." Al-Bukhari (13), Muslim (45).
This is a manifestation of desire and love, which is an act of the heart, do Muslims differ in their ability to do this, whether they are an ordinary Muslim, educated, learned or demanding knowledge? No, they do not differ, and, therefore, it is obligatory for every Muslim to love for Muslims what he loves for himself…
Assalamu alaikum wa rahamatullahi wa barakatuhu!